Monday, April 11, 2011

I Don't Know And Am Happy About It

 Today's little ditty is a bit all over the place, but then again, so is my mind. Enjoy.

And keep circulating those tapes.


HO said...

If you don't know, doesn't that make you an agnostic? Leaving the door open? Seems to me atheists are always certain that it was NOT a spiritual force of some kind...

Josh Hodding said...

Strictly speaking, yes. However, people who identify themselves as agnostic tend to leave the door wide open almost to the point of neutrality on the subject. Myself, like a lot of atheists will admit there is a possibility, but the chances are so very, very slim that it's almost impossible.

I refer you to Russell's teapot as an example.

We know that there is no teapot, yet we cannot definitively prove it doesn't exist, but the chances are so small it's safe to say, "There is NO teapot."

Same goes for god.