Sunday, February 13, 2011

Why So Hostile?

It's a question I find myself asking the screen whenever I see coverage of protesters rallying against whatever it is they're rallying against. I understand for some of those present at these protests there is a lot of passion for the cause, but still, why so hostile?

How often do you see this scene? Protesters marching, yelling and disrupting the day of average people, usually with nothing to do with the subject of the protest? Quite a bit right? The latest I saw was a protest regarding the lack of social housing in Vancouver, all well and good until they protest took over a community center, shouting and intimidating the children that were there. The point of that was what exactly?

And that's what always annoys me the most about such things. The way you're going to achieve anything in a democracy is to get the support of the majority of voters. And who tend to make up the largest block of voters? Middle class folk in their middle ages and older. So how exactly does being a disruptive punk with no clear message get those people on your side? Oh right, it doesn't.

The best way to get through to people is with calm rational debate, presented clearly so your point can be understood. This doesn't mean protests can't take place, but make them civil, respectful and most of all coherent and I'm willing to bet they'd be far more effective than the typical offensive mess we tend to see on our streets or art gallery lawn.

Now I'm no genius, I know many others have arrived at this conclusion, which makes me wonder why it is this type of demonstration is so rarely seen. My best guess, most people involved aren't interested in seeing any of the causes they supposedly support gain any traction, but are more interested in causing mayhem and making a spectacle of themselves.

And to those who think you need this type of protest to get attention, be it from the public or the media, you're wrong. You tell the media you're having a protest, they'll be there, trust me. If you can hand deliver a story to them they'll show up every time, as it beats looking for one themselves. And when they cover your protest and can only present it as a non disruptive peaceful one, the viewers at home will be far more willing to listen to your point of view.

So to the people who do truly care about these causes I say this. Take back your protests, make these punks know they aren't welcome to march for your cause and get your point across without them.

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