Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's been a while...

Well folks, it's been a long while since I've posted anything here. There are a few reasons, work, laziness but mainly I felt my scope for this blog, as well as my knowledge on the subjects were a tad too limited. When it comes to skepticism there are so many more knowledgeable and smarter folks out there doing an amazing job fighting the good fight I feel it better to defer to them rather than clutter things up.

So that being said, I'm not going to abandon this little corner of the net, instead I'm going to open up things a little... well actually a lot. I plan on discussing whatever pops into my head, be it anything from my take on the announcement of Star Wars finally being released on Blu-Ray to the Catholic church's latest ridiculous stand on whatever it is that week.

If anyone out there is still reading this, or to be honest if no one is, I'm hoping to have a little fun in the future getting up on my cyber-soapbox and poking life squarely in the eye with a pointed stick ;)

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