Sunday, May 13, 2007

Arrogant... Really?

As an atheist as well as a skeptic, I'm often accused of being arrogant in my beliefs and convictions. In a lot of ways, this couldn't be further from the truth. To me, the most important aspect of being a skeptic is knowing that the things which I accept as factual could be proven wrong. That's the key to rational and scientific inquiry, keeping an open mind and being open to the possibility that you could be wrong.

That doesn't however mean that I accept just any theory as being possible, there must be evidence to support any theory, and as Carl Sagan said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

What I find frankly incredibly amusing, is the people who most often accuse me of arrogance tend to be quite religious. This accusation is leveled by people who accept, with no evidence, the existence of a supreme being that created all of the universe. Yet somehow my request for evidence of this being makes me the arrogant one?

I realize that it can offend some when you question the existence of their deity, but that's a risk you run when you believe in something unsupported by any proof..., people will question. I think this is where accusation of arrogance comes from. For some religious folk, only the arrogant would question god, because for them, all the answers have been laid down in their holy books. And if one were to question something that the book had no answer for, why then perhaps god is fallible, and that can't be so, it's not in the book. Rational thought and critical thinking leads to the erosion of faith for these people.

Which to you seems more arrogant, knowing you're right, or knowing you might be wrong?

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